Chicago, IL - Multimedia & Video Production Company

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250 filmmakers tackle one global pandemic.

#choosehopestory Apr 07, 2020


Here we are, all together, in one single world.  

Amidst all of the panic and uncertainty that is going on around us right now, I have been searching for a way to also shine a light on how people are coming together more than ever in an incredible spirit of unity. I recently joined a group of over 200 filmmakers, led by Muse Storytelling, to create a collaborative film with footage contributed from around the world to tell the story of this moment in time. 

I was inspired by the words of Patrick Moreau, Muse Storytelling Founder; when he said: “Sharing these stories from around the world, it’s a reminder of who we choose to be in this moment, what we choose to do right now. And I think that is so, so important, for our families, for our friends, for our children. To be able to look back, and say when the worst happened, we were our best. We came together as global citizens, we took action, we showed kindness, and we knew it mattered”. 

Today I am sharing this film with you because I believe it will help you, it will help me and definitely it will help us to choose to make more and more good actions all around us.

Our goal is for EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the world to see this film so they can feel the love and light from our global community. Please join us in this effort by sharing it with as many people as you are able and on social media so that we can get this film to as many people as possible (please use the #ChooseHopeStory).


Sending you love and light, 


Pablo Diaz


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