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Global RESET

#globa reset Apr 22, 2020

Lived 17.167 days since April 22nd 1973.

Blew 1.128 candles on every birthday cakes so far.

My heart has beaten approximately 1.716 millions times and counting. 
The moon has orbited the earth 628 times since I was born.
And back then there were approximately 3.943.189.763 other people alive on Earth while today there are now 7.677.304.450 people.
But in 2020 the world has reset!

I think this big reset that we’re going through as a global society - not to make light of it - but it’s a bit of a gift, or at least I like to think that way.

None of us could have imagined that the world would stop for a couple of months. So I am currently meditating about how to use this time, even in the midst of the hardship, of the stress, we have to reset and to envision what life looks like on the other side of this.

In circumstances like this, there are two things that matter: connecting with each other and taking proactive steps with what we can control.

That keeps me hopeful and we can do that.

Today I'd like to connect with you through the sounds and landscapes of Patagonia. 

Just a video to quiet and relax the mind. Enjoy and share.

Please don't forget to tell me your most exciting hunting story by sharing it by email to: [email protected] 

And also follow me in social media: FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM / TWITTER / YOUTUBE  

Let's share your passion. Let's share your Argentina hunt.


Pablo Diaz


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