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Sometimes the harder it gets often lead us to greatest moments on life

easter greetings video Apr 13, 2020

As we learned in this 2020, unfortunately  the hard way, we may not be able to control every situation and its outcome.

But the good news is we might also be learning that we can control our attitudes and how we deal with it.

So I grabbed my camera, the drone and went outdoors, thanks to the press permit I hold.

I went to the fields, those places where you and I know. Those places full of great memories, emotions shared and fellowship lived.

Nature is still shinning, flowing in its natural course. Millions of doves filling Cordoba sky.

I wanted to edit the video with some other stock footage I had with natural hunting sounds just to remind you have been part of this story.

You are one member of this small group of people that has experienced Cordoba Wingshooting.

I just want to help in bringing great memories alive to recall and share with our friends and family what we love the most.

Sometimes the harder it gets often lead us to greatest moments in life.

We got to keep going, because tough situations like Covid-19 outbreack will build strong people in the end so wait and see.

Please don't forget to tell me your most exciting hunting story by sharing it by email to: [email protected] 

And also in my social media accounts:


Let's share your passion. Let's share your Argentina hunt.


Pablo Diaz





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