Chicago, IL - Multimedia & Video Production Company

+1 470.357.3087

We're in this together. 100% !

we're in this together. Apr 02, 2020

We are living in unprecedented times and the world has been turned upside down.

There is so much uncertainty and so much that is outside of our control.

In circumstances like this, there are two things that matter: connecting with each other and taking proactive steps with what we can control.

I believe that storytelling and its ability to connect across time and space has never been more important.

As the worse is happening, I've been honored to be part of the "Community Crafted Film" lead by Muse Storytelling.

We (250 filmmakers from around the world) come together to make a choice.

Choose action. Choose hope. Choose love.

Choose to do something.

If you're feeling alone, isolated, like you've lost a piece of yourself or your purpose, take a look and please remember that we're in this together. 100%

And stay tuned for the premier of the movie, coming April 7th.

I'd love to hear from you!

Text me to +1 404-537-6306 or simply send me an e-mail to [email protected]

And please join in my social media accounts:



To stay connected don't forget to sign up bellow to stay on the loop. 


Pablo Diaz


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